I may not attend the group writing sessions but I often think of the regular evenings of writing exercises and critique. The idea of one-to-one feedback in person, is, in my opinion, unparalleled in our craft. Yes, I moved on to be in a world (or worlds) of my own, but I learned a lot from the weekly…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on December 18, 2018 at 1:25pm — No Comments
On a recent visit to my private world of eBook cover manufacture, it occurred to me that a few of my covers were 'tacky'.
I spent a day researching possible replacement graphics and getting on with the task of re-building the covers.The result I believe, is a better overall effect in terms of the individual books and the sub-branding of the genre.
I'm particularly pleased with the end result of my…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on March 6, 2018 at 9:30am — No Comments
Having published in excess of twenty titles as eBooks it has come to pass that I have now created a paperback book.
Yesterday I received confirmation that three weeks of effort had paid off and…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on March 2, 2018 at 2:50pm — No Comments
Hello my fellow Inkerman scribes, and I hope you're all well. I'd like to imagine most of you have blisters from writing or typing to excess.
I often sit at my keyboard on a Tuesday evening and think about the camaradarie of our group. I imagine who was in attendance, and once again I hear the voices reading out a passage or two from the evening's efforts.
Occasionally I'll find myself with a printed copy of a story, reading it aloud, which as we all know is the best way to…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on February 12, 2017 at 6:12pm — No Comments
Hello my fellow Inkerman scribes, and I hope you're all well. I'd like to imagine most of you have blisters from writing or typing to excess.
I often sit at my keyboard on a Tuesday evening and think about the camaradarie of our group. I imagine who was in attendance, and once again I hear the voices reading out a passage or two from the evening's efforts.
Occasionally I'll find myself with a printed copy of a story, reading it aloud, which as we all know is the best way to…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on February 12, 2017 at 6:11pm — No Comments
Added by Tom Benson on November 14, 2016 at 5:02pm — No Comments
I recently amended the title of my top-selling book, Beyond The Law.
Following queries by several readers about a sequel, I wrote Beyond The Law: Retribution, which has been selling steadily. I left the second part of the story open, so I've been working on the third in the series.
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on March 5, 2016 at 4:34pm — No Comments
Hello fellow members of the Inkerman Writers. It's great to see more titles emerging from our talented authors, so in tune with new ideas, my new sales strategy for 2016 is to give away a title every month.
Instead of heading to Amazon via various clicks and searches I'm using the new 'preview before…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on January 23, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments
A couple of years ago I tried writing erotica and failed miserably, mainly because I tried to stick to the rules. Which rules? Oh nothing much, just a load of tosh about decency, subtlety, and avoiding going too far with imagery. I read some of the modern erotica and found that a lot of authors are writing about something they know little or nothing about.
Inspired by the handful of books I downloaded, and the successful, though nonetheless rubbish '50 Shades ...' I…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on September 9, 2015 at 9:00am — No Comments
As one year closes another year opens. I'm pleased to see Bud's new offering 'Dead Certainty' on Amazon. I'll be adding it to my TBR list.
On the topic of TBR lists, if any of you guys are interested there is a Facebook group by the name of Indie Author Review Exchange which is a useful platform to help get your work recognised. I've been involved since the group was set up and we now…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on January 6, 2015 at 10:30am — No Comments
Hello my Inkerman friends. It's taken a while, but to celebrate the success of my second novel, 'Beyond The Law', and the launch of my latest, 'Amsterdam Calling', I am pleased to announce that I have a new, dedicated author website.
The Books page provides a look at the individual covers and an insight into each book.
My latest tale was a…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on August 15, 2014 at 5:05pm — No Comments
I was disappointed when I read the first of the acclaimed 'Fifty Shades ...' trilogy so whilst working on other projects I dusted off some old stories and…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on June 26, 2014 at 9:11am — No Comments
I produced the covers for my eBooks simply to save on expense on what was an experiment. Poetry, as I expected wasn't going to sell however it was dressed, but the other two books: Ten Days in Panama , and…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on May 1, 2014 at 8:51pm — No Comments
Matt Kane adjusted his telescopic sight, and focused on the girl walking on the white sands far below. Sabrina was the target, a stunning 27-year-old who was already…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on December 17, 2013 at 9:10pm — No Comments
I can now report that I’m pleased with my new editing tool - Grammarly. Proofreading is hard to do…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on December 15, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments
I’ve now written hundreds of poems, and my short stories are well into double figures, but my latest passion is novel-writing. We all like to think our writing is to a high enough standard, but as I embark on my next story, I find that I’m still critical of every word.
Read full blog post at:…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on December 2, 2013 at 8:30pm — No Comments
You want to be a writer – so you write. Once you feel you have a flair for it, the next natural notion is to be a successful writer – yes, then that sordid subject of money rears its head. In some cases, the decision to join a class or group is a no-brainer. Surely that’s going to be the next step, because it will help to set you up as the next great thing in the…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on November 16, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments
Hello my fellow Inkerman Writers. In recent months I've spent most of my waking hours working on the final draft of my thriller, 'Beyond The Law.' I'm delighted to say I met my publishing target of early October.
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on October 15, 2013 at 2:06pm — 1 Comment
Yesterday (3rd June 2013) I was asked if I’d like to ‘donate’ one of my stories to Worldreader. The website: http://www.readwave.com/ which I’m a member of, has recently formed a partnership with Worldreader (http://www.worldreader.org), a charitable organisation.…
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on June 4, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments
'Out of the Shadows', is not only a good title for the Inkerman Writers latest anthology, but also I thought an appropriate title for this blog post. I'm already looking forward to reading the whole collection when I have my copy of the anthology and it will take pride of place in my study alongside 'Christophe's Farewell and Other Stories' and the 'Talking' CD, 'The Last Waltz'. Alongside the Inkerman Writers' efforts is …
ContinueAdded by Tom Benson on May 24, 2013 at 10:08am — No Comments
The Inkerman Writers are members of Darlington for Culture (DfC), which was set up in 2010 to help save Darlington Arts Centre from closure.
Its members include representatives of arts and community groups.
DfC was established after the centre’s owner, Darlington Borough Council, announced that budget cuts meant that it would have to withdraw its subsidy from the Arts Centre.
Although the centre closed, the organisation remains active - more at www.darlingtonforculture.org
Welcome to the site created by the Inkerman Writers to showcase our work.
Based in Darlington, North East England, and having celebrated their tenth anniversary in 2013, members have enjoyed success in a variety of arenas, including winning, and being shortlisted and highly commended, in short story competitions, having novels published and publishing the short story anthology A Strawberry in Winter, which can be obtained by visiting the website www.blurb.com
The group's second anthology of short stories, Christophe's Farewell and Other Stories, can be obtained, cost £4.95 plus postage and packing, from
The Inkerman Writers’ latest book, Out of the Shadows, which was launched as part of the 2013 Darlington Arts Festival, is on sale. The book can be ordered direct from
The group also produced The Last Waltz, a double CD of short stories, available by contacting deangriss@btinternet.com, cost £5 plus p and p.
Several of our writers wrote original one-act plays in a collaboration with the Green Theatre company, which were performed at Darlington Arts Centre early in February, 2012.
Darlington-based Inkerman Writers have produced their latest anthology of short stories, Inkerman Street, based on the demolition of a fictional northern street and the stories of the people who lived in it.
The book, which features a variety of stories ranging from horror to comedy, was launched to a large audience at the Darlington Arts Festival Literary Day on Saturday May 26 and begins like this:
“Inkerman Street is still and graveyard-hushed tonight, the terraced houses cold behind boarded-up windows, silent sentinels among a sea of wasteland. No one lives here now and tomorrow the bulldozers will move in to flatten the houses to make way for the Council’s Grand Plan.
“Although the people are long gone, the houses still have life. Peek into one of the bedrooms and see on the wall a painting of a seaside scene, brightly-coloured boats bobbing in the harbour, fishermen pipe-smoking in the noonday sun and seagulls wheeling high above the choppy waters. In the roaring silence of the night, you can hear the screeching of the birds and taste the salt air, acrid and herring-sharp at the back of your throat. It is an illusion; the bedroom is empty and the blooms on the faded wallpaper have long since wilted.
“The air in the houses is musty with neglect yet but a few months before, these were bustling homes filled with frying bacon and steaming irons, whistling kettles and playing children. The houses witnessed all these scenes for more than 150 years. Behind their curtains were enacted a thousand stories but tomorrow they will be destroyed because Inkerman Street is the last of its ilk.
“Now, on the eve of the street’s death, the people who once lived here have returned, gathering solemn and silent in the mist, the ghosts of the past come to pay final tribute….”
The anthology can be purchased at http://www.blurb.co.uk/bookstore/invited/7524452/bae89c993c98ec8c8b37b12d6b9b37ecced5dec3
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